You’re Hired – So Keep Hunting
This is why your job search doesn’t end with employment. It wasn’t so long ago that a typical career path looked like a gently rising curve. Many people graduated from college, got an entry-level position at a mid-sized or large company, and rose through the ranks to eventually retire from the same company as a higher-level employee.
However, today’s “normal” career path is more like an EKG: filled with peaks and valleys, fluctuations and flatlines. Businessweek reports that most Americans change jobs once every three years—and for people under 30, the job change frequency is annual.
Even if you plan on staying with your employer for the long haul, the ultimate decision may not rest in your hands. Layoffs and downsizing have forced thousands of unsuspecting professionals back into the job market, and most aren’t prepared to compete with the new, younger, and more ambitious crop of employee.
No matter where you work or what you do, you need to be prepared for the possibility of starting a new job search—by keeping up with your industry, refining your skills, and watching for opportunity. Here’s what you can do to stay ready for the next job hunt, whether the economy sends you packing or you simply decide to seek greener pastures.
Take advantage of company training
Competitive employees are an essential ingredient for success in today’s business world. That’s why most companies either offer or require employee training for a variety of skills and topics.
This training may be available in the form of seminars, conferences, or as online webinars or training courses. However they’re packaged, you should enroll in as many as possible—it’s a great way to keep up with what’s happening in your industry.
Go back to school
If your company doesn’t offer training opportunities, or if you’d like to learn new skills or information to enhance your prospects for a promotion or new career, consider hitting the books again. You don’t have to enroll in a full-time degree program—a few evening classes at a local community college will usually fit the bill. Many colleges also offer online courses, so you don’t have to worry about running around to classes after a full day’s work.
Join the pros
Whatever industry you’re in, you can find a professional group or society that not only improves your credentials, but also expands your network. Your new contacts will serve you well should you find yourself hitting the job hunt path again—and you’ll also get to meet new people and gain more industry knowledge.
Today’s job market may not be as stable as it used to be, but you can still keep yourself grounded and ready for whatever the future holds with continual career preparation. Contact the staffing experts at PsychPros for top career advice.