Why Partnering With PsychPros Will Save You Time on Hiring
Hiring a new employee for your behavioral health team is a very big deal. This task requires a lot of time and attention — that you don’t have.
As a busy manager, you already have too much on your plate. Adding hiring to the mix means something else has to give. Even if you do find a way to handle this yourself, it will probably take a while, because of everything else you have going on.
PsychPros understands the importance of finding the best person for the job — and we can do it quickly. Since we hire for a living, we have an established network, tried-and-true methods, and behavioral health experience to identify great matches for your company.
Here’s a look at the services we offer employers, to help speed up your hiring process.
Candidate Screening
When you post a job opening, you’re likely inundated with resumes. This isn’t a bad thing, but the more resumes you receive, the longer it takes to sort through them. However, if you partner with us, we’ll take care of the prescreening. You can count on us to verify the basics, including their education, experience, and credentials. We’ll even take it a step further by evaluating their motivation for the job, work schedule preferences, and desired compensation.
Meeting with candidates to learn more about them and their fit for the job is crucial, but it’s also very time-consuming. PsychPros understands this, so we coordinate all appointments for the first and second interviews. We know all the right questions to ask — and adhere to behavioral-based interviewing — allowing us to learn as much as possible about the candidate’s previous experience and accomplishments.
Negotiating Salaries
Money shouldn’t be everything to candidates, but it is a major factor in a job decision. Since the salary a person earns dictates their standard of living, it’s very common for candidates to do a bit of negotiating before settling on a final number. You understand this, but going back and forth with them requires a lot of time and energy you don’t have.
When you team up with PsychPros, this is a non-issue, because we’ll negotiate salaries on your behalf. We’ll make offers and counteroffers to secure new talent so that you can focus on competing priorities.
Making Travel and Relocation Arrangements
Sometimes the best person for the job doesn’t currently reside in your local area. In this case, you need to coordinate travel for them to travel to interview at your facility, and if you decide to hire them, relocation arrangements must be made. Both of these tasks are multifaceted, which can make them extremely time-consuming.
When you team up with PsychPros, you don’t have to worry about this, because we’ll handle everything for you. We’ll work with out-of-town candidates to create a travel itinerary that pleases everyone, and if they’re hired, we’ll handle relocation plans to ensure a smooth transition.
Contact Us Today
Don’t have time to manage the hiring process on your own? To learn more about how we can help you find top behavioral health talent, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at [email protected].