What is Your Company Culture Like?
Company culture is the glue that holds your team together. If you have a great one, you likely have low turnover and high levels of productivity. However, if your culture leaves something — or many aspects — to be desired, your team probably isn’t in the best place.
The importance of a positive company culture cannot be emphasized enough. If you’re not sure where yours currently stands, use this criteria to evaluate it.
Management’s Relationship With Employees
In a healthy culture, company leaders are open and honest with employees. They understand that news impacting the organization can have a profound impact on the lives of staffers, so they keep people in the loop.
Managers also have an open-door policy, making employees feel comfortable coming to them with questions, comments, concerns and ideas. This creates a relationship built on mutual trust and respect that makes employees feel valued.
Incentive Programs
Top employees don’t do great work to earn praise, but feeling invisible takes a toll. When people constantly realize outstanding results, but receive little-to-no reward or recognition, they eventually become discontent.
If your company doesn’t currently have an incentive program, consider instituting one. Rewards don’t have to cost a lot of money, as simply receiving credit for a job well done means a lot.
Employee Relationships
Your team spends at least 40 hours per week together, so well-done at work, they should feel like they’re surrounded by a second family. Close relationships with colleagues make for more effective collaboration and a higher-quality output. When people respect and truly care about their co-workers, they don’t want to let them down.
If, at best, your employees are ambivalent about one another, this is a problem. Take this as your cue to start prioritizing team-building activities to help people build stronger bonds.
Work-Life Balance
Your employees are only human. If you work them around the clock, they’ll burn out. Healthy company cultures prioritize a solid work-life
Take an honest look employee work hours. If people are constantly required to put in overtime and pressured to respond to work calls and emails at all hours of the day, it’s time to put a stop to this behavior. Give people the freedom to enjoy a life outside of work, and they’ll reward you with loyalty.
Overall Job Satisfaction Levels
Turnover happens at every company, but if your levels are higher than average, something is wrong. If your company is a revolving door of talent, something needs to change —and fast. Conduct exit interviews, anonymously survey
Use the information gathered to understand what people like and dislike about working for your company. Put these details to work by
Investing in your company culture requires significant time and energy, but it’s well worth it. To learn more about how we can help you find top behavioral health talent, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at [email protected].