Ways to Make Your New Hire Feel Welcome
Adding a new person to your behavioral health team is exciting. Whether they’re replacing someone who moved on to another role or are filling a new position, it feels great to have finally found the perfect fit.
Your new hire’s first day is just around the corner, and first impressions are powerful. It’s important to make them feel welcome and appreciated from day one, so they don’t second-guess their decision to join your team.
Here are several ideas to help you accomplish this.
Be Prepared
It doesn’t feel great to show up to your first day of work and have nothing ready for you. Avoid this by ensuring the basic things needed to do their job are ready and waiting — i.e., their workstation is set up and software permissions are requested. This shows the person you were eagerly anticipating their arrival and can’t wait for them to hit the ground running.
Show Them Around
Finding your way around a new office can be confusing. Help your new employee out by giving them a tour that includes key spots — i.e., kitchen, restrooms, and both of your work areas. Stop by the desks of colleagues they’ll be working with to give them a personal introduction. This will allow them to start putting names to faces and not feel so alone in a new place.
Organize a Group Lunch
Don’t make your new hire eat lunch alone on their first day. Show them how excited everyone is to have them onboard by organizing a group lunch. It doesn’t matter if you go to a restaurant or order in, as long as everyone spends their lunch hour together, getting to know their new colleague.
Give Them Small Assignments
Getting acclimated to a new job takes time and training, so you can’t expect much from your new employee during their first few days. However, they’ll likely have a lot of idle time that will cause them to become very bored if you don’t give them something to do. Assigning small projects you know they can handle will give them a sense of purpose, while helping them get acclimated to the company.
Create a 30-60-90 Day Plan
New hires desperately want to please their boss, but it can be hard to know where they stand. Help avoid the frustration of not knowing what they should be doing — and if they’re where they should be — by having a 30-60-90 day plan waiting for them. This should include specific, manageable goals that help them get up to speed.
Assign a Mentor
Learning the ropes at a new company takes time. Inevitably, new hires have lots of questions, but most don’t feel comfortable constantly reaching out to their boss. Assigning a mentor can prove invaluable because it gives new hires a designated person to go to when they have questions. This allows them to bond with their new colleague and starts to feel more comfortable at your company.
Stop By Regularly
You’re a busy manager with a lot going on, but you still need to make time for your new hires. Make a point to stop by their desk several times a day to see how they’re doing. This shows them you truly care and want to make sure they’re adjusting to their new job.
Finding top behavioral health talent isn’t always easy, but it’s okay to ask for help. To learn more about how we can help you find top behavioral health talent, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at [email protected].