Posts in "Best Employees for the Money in Cincinnati" Tag
Employers spend a vast amount of time, energy, and money to find the right people for their teams. Like any sound investment, acquiring top talent requires having a solid plan in place before the need arises. Get a great pool of candidates together by employing these strategies prior to employing your next hire. [two_third_last] Build […]
Attracting talented sales professionals is a big challenge for many companies—but keeping current talent on the team is another. In the current competitive marketplace, great salespeople are feeling the need to compromise by accepting limited positions in order to “get by for now”. Maximize the likelihood of getting and retaining sales pros by engaging with […]
Found the right candidate? Now comes the money talk. The ideal person for your open position is sitting across from you. They’ve met your requirements and you’ve met theirs; the only thing left to discuss is salary. How do you offer them enough to entice them to sign on, without blowing your budget? Show them […]