Staying Motivated in Your Job Search in 2016

A job search can be both mentally and physically exhausting, especially if you’ve been looking for new opportunities for awhile now. It’s important to keep your spirits up, because the right position will come along — and when it does, it will be well worth the wait. The new year is upon us, so use this as an opportunity to make a fresh start. Follow the tips below to maintain a positive attitude and stay motivated in your job search during 2016.


Set daily goals.

It’s only natural to get a little down when you don’t feel like you’re accomplishing anything. Remain optimistic by creating a daily to-do list filled with tasks that will get you one step closer to your dream job. At the end of the day, you can review the items you completed and feel proud of the progress you’ve made. Even little achievements should be celebrated, as they’re a move in the right direction!

Focus on the positives.

Finding out that someone else got a job you really wanted is never fun. However, you can make the most out of a less-than-ideal situation by learning from your mistakes. Every bad interview gives you a little more experience you can use to improve for the next time. If you didn’t make it past the phone interview stage or weren’t invited back for a second in-person interview, celebrate the fact that you made it this far along in the process. Hiring managers often receive hundreds of resumes for each position, so they clearly saw something in you.

Attend networking events regularly.

Very often it’s who you know that can make all the difference in your job search. Commit to attending at least one networking event each week, so you can make new connections that may prove very valuable. You never know who you might meet that’s looking to hire someone just like you! Plus, being around other professionals in your field is a great way to stay energized and get out of the house.

Do things that make you feel good.

A laser sharp focus on your job hunt is great — but only to a point. Make time in your day for other things that put you in a good mood, such as exercise, spending time with family and friends, and volunteering. Searching for a new job can be incredibly stressful, so you need to balance it out with other activities that make you happy. You’re not going to impress any hiring manager if you’re anxious, super intense and appear genuinely unhappy.

Grant yourself a day to relax.

Too much of anything can lead to burn out, so allow yourself to have one day off each week to relax and refresh your mind. Only so many jobs are posted on a daily basis, so it won’t be too difficult to catch up the next day. Use this time to focus on another aspect of your life that might be taking a backseat to your job search.

Maintaining a positive attitude is essential to getting the job really want. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you find your next behavioral health position, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at [email protected].

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