What is Your Work Style?
More so than ever, employers are really starting to understand the value of cultural fit.A candidate might look amazing on paper, but if they don’t have a personality that aligns with the team, they won’t last. Learning about your work style is a great way for interviewers to decide whether you’re a match for the team, so expect to be asked this question.
Prior to the interview, conduct as much research on the company as possible to make sure the answers you provide mesh with the needs of the team. Be mindful not to say anything negative about a previous employer, and when possible, provide examples to emphasize your point.
Clearly relaying your preferred learning and working style is a multifaceted process. Cover all the bases by touching on the following topics.
Method of Communication
Your favored form of communication — i.e., in-person, phone, email or chat — hugely impacts your work style. Plan your response carefully to ensure it fits the job. For example, if the position is largely people-facing, in-person is probably the best response, but if the job involves a significant amount of remote work, email or phone is the better answer.
It’s important for your preferred communication style to align with that of the team, because its entire flow will be disrupted if you don’t blend in. If an email-centric group of people have to constantly stop to answer your phone calls, it just won’t work.
Structure of Your Day
The manner in which you organize your time is very telling. If you’re someone who comes into the office each morning, prioritizes your tasks, and creates a rigid time schedule, you’re probably better off in a more predictable environment, subject to very little change. On the other hand, if you prefer to tackle assignments as they come your way, you would likely thrive in a fast-paced culture, where the focus can change on a moment’s notice.
Management Style
Things won’t end well if you and your boss are on different wavelengths. Unlike many aspects of a company culture, it might be rather difficult to learn much about the management style of the person who would be your boss. Even still, this is a time to just be honest. If you prefer a hands-on manager who provides significant direction and checks in regularly, this will be a problem if your boss is very hands-off. It’s better to find out what you’re in for now, than to get hired and realize it’s not a good match.
Amount of Collaboration
Some degree of teamwork is required at almost every job, but the amount varies. If you prefer to work in a collaborative environment, you won’t be happy if the vast majority of your day is spent on solo projects. This is an important matter to touch on, because you either enjoy group work or you don’t — there’s rarely an in-between on this one.
Choosing a job that fits your preferred work style is a must. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you find your next behavioral health position, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at [email protected].