Is Your Candidate Pool Shrinking?

The unemployment rate is declining at rapid pace. In April 2017, it tumbled to a 10-year low of 4.4 percent. This is great for the economy, but not for your candidate pool. Over the past decade, you’ve grown used to having top talent at your disposal, so you’re going to have to adjust your hiring strategy.

Partnering with a recruiter is the best way to enjoy uninterrupted access to the best and brightest candidates. More than an extracurricular activity, networking is part of the job, so their talent pools are always full.

Get Unlimited Access to Top Talent

Recruiters network constantly. Whether they’re attending events, searching for prospects online or touching base with existing contacts, cultivating relationships is what they do. Consequently, their reach extends far and wide, so when you need to fill an open position, you can count on them to have someone waiting in the wings.

Quality always takes precedence over quantity, so top recruiters aren’t stressed about the tumbling unemployment rate. Staffing professionals largely focus on passive candidates — those gainfully employed, but willing to entertain the right opportunity — which has nothing to do with the current rate of joblessness.

When you enter a partnership with a recruiter, their contacts become yours. When you need to fill an open position, simply dip into their candidate pool to find the right fit.

Set Your Own Employment Terms

Every job on your roster doesn’t require a permanent employee. Whether you need someone to fill in during a busy vacation season or require a worker with a certain skill set for a project, you might not need to bring the person on as a regular full-time employee. Traditional candidate pools are filled with standard job seekers, but recruiters work hard to make sure theirs includes a mix of professionals.

Your staffing partner will help assess your business needs to determine the best way to fill the position. Since their networks include candidates searching for temporary, temp-to-hire and direct hire candidates, you have plenty of options. This allows you to choose the right fit for your business, instead of feeling obligated to hire a permanent staffer you don’t need and can’t afford.

Fill Open Positions Faster

As a busy professional, you don’t have much time to nurture your candidate pool. Oftentimes, when you have someone in mind for a job opening, you find out they accepted a job elsewhere months ago. Not knowing exactly who to turn to when you need to hire slows the process down.

This doesn’t happen when you work with a recruiter. Since they’re always checking in with their contacts, they know exactly where to turn when a position opens up. Candidates are pre-vetted, so they can be passed along to you right away for interviews with confidence. This makes it possible to fill openings very quickly, so being short-staffed is no longer an issue.

A declining unemployment rate doesn’t have to shrink your candidate pool. Shift your hiring strategy to include a recruiting partnership and enjoy more high-quality prospects than ever. To learn more about how we can help you find top behavioral health talent, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at

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