Is Finding The “Needle in the Haystack” Possible When Searching For Top Behavioral Health Professionals?

You need to add a new behavioral health professional to your team, but so far, you’re not impressed with the candidates you’re seeing. This is unacceptable, because you’re committed to hiring a strong cultural fit, who will truly make a difference in patients’ lives.

Right now, it might feel like finding this “needle in the haystack” candidate is impossible, but it’s not. A few adjustments to your current search process can make all the difference. Here’s a few tips to get you started.

Tips For Finding Top Behavioral Health Professionals For Your Business

Take Your Time

When you needed to fill an open position yesterday, it’s tempting to want to rush the hiring process along. However, this won’t help you find the best person for the job. Chances are, it’s going to take awhile to connect with a behavioral health professional who checks all your boxes, so have patience.

If you need to get someone in the position urgently, team up with a staffing firm to hire temporary talent. This will allow you to take your time searching, because you won’t have to deal with the stress of being short-staffed.

Seek Referrals

It’s possible the best person for the job is much closer than you think. Asking your staff and network for referrals is a fantastic way to connect with top behavioral health talent. Since you know and trust these people, you can count on them to only recommend candidates they truly believe would be a great fit. This will allow you to gain additional insights on candidates, so you can hire with confidence.

Ask the Right Questions

A candidate might look great on paper, but when it’s time to interview them, you need to dig deep and ask job-specific questions. For example, questions like “Describe your ideal management style” and “What would you do if a patient refused to follow their treatment plan?” will allow you to learn more about their personality and the extent of their skillset.

This is an essential step in the process of finding a “needle in the haystack” candidate, because generic interview questions are too broad to help you determine their fit.

Partner With PsychPros

Finding the best behavioral health professional for the job is hard work, but you don’t have to go it alone. PsychPros offers award-winning staffing and executive search services that are easy, reliable, and guaranteed. We’re here to find the best person for the job, while you focus on your daily responsibilities.

Our team recently helped an HR Officer & VP Safety and Quality at Florida’s Bridgeway Center hire and here’s what they had to say:

“I have worked closely with PsychPros on several occasions to fill critical positions within our organization. As you are aware, finding a candidate who is the ‘right fit’ for any organization is a challenge. In these difficult economic times, nonprofit companies such as ours are competing on a national field for qualified candidates. PsychPros has located and placed excellent NPs for us during the past year.”

Interested in teaming up with PsychPros? To learn more about how we can help you find top behavioral health talent, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at

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