Strategies to Strengthen Your Staffing Partnership

Your recruiter is responsible for the most important aspect of your company — helping you make great hiring decisions. Therefore, it’s very important to maintain a strong relationship with your staffing partner, to ensure they know your business inside and out. Keep adding the right people to your team by putting in the effort to nurture the partnership. Learn how to build the perfect rapport with your recruiter.



Communicate regularly.

Don’t just call your recruiter when you need a position filled. Keep your staffing partner up-to-date with what’s going on at your company by scheduling monthly calls or lunch meetings to catch up. When your recruiter is actively engaged in your organization, it’s much easier to jump in and find the right person for the job when needed. You never know when you’re going to need to hire someone with very little notice, and a short turnaround time is much easier to achieve when you’re at the top of their mind.

Make your relationship exclusive.

You may believe that having a relationship with a number of staffing agencies will increase your chances of finding the best person for the job, but the opposite is actually true. It’s difficult, if not impossible to maintain a close partnership with a number of recruiters. Spreading yourself too thin will result in a number of staffing agencies that recognize your name and company, but none that actually have an in-depth knowledge of your organization. Stick with one firm to achieve the loyalty and dedication needed to hire the right person for the job every time.

Be accessible.

It’s true that recruiters handle most steps in the hiring process, but that doesn’t mean you can check out for the entire initiative. If you don’t respond to your staffing partner’s inquiries in a timely manner, it gives candidates a poor perception of your organization — which ultimately reflects negatively on your staffing firm. This type of behavior is also very frustrating to your recruiter, because they want to hire the best person for the job, but it can be very difficult when you pull a vanishing act.

Set expectations.

Be upfront with your staffing partner about exactly what you want in a new hire, to ensure you’re on the same page. Work together to create a detailed job description for each position including both technical and soft skills that are non-negotiable. Explain your company culture and the personality type candidates must have to thrive in your work environment. Prioritize your requirements, so your recruiter knows which items are must-haves.

Open your mind to new ideas.

You probably have a set strategy and expectations in mind regarding your hiring process, but be willing to listen to your recruiter’s ideas. Staffing professionals are hiring experts, so trust them to offer great advice that can have a hugely positive impact on your company. Make the most from this relationship by considering your recruiter a strategic partner, instead of someone who simply provides you with a service.

Maintaining a great relationship with your recruiter can give your company a major competitive advantage. To learn more about how we can help you find top behavioral health talent, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at [email protected].

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