What Flexible Work Options Do Employees Want Most?
In the past, employees were expected to be in the office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, but things have changed.Ever-increasing advances in technology and a greater emphasis on achieving a solid work-life balance have made flexible work options the new normal.
From trying to raise a family while earning a paycheck to avoiding a long commute or dodging stressful office politics, flexible work options are hugely popular with employees. If you’re not already offering at least one of the most highly sought-after alternatives to a traditional workday, it’s time to make some changes at your company.
If it doesn’t really matter if everyone comes into the office and leaves at the same time every day, allow your employees to set their own hours. Make sure everyone’s schedules overlap during the core hours of the day and each person is still putting in a full shift, so productivity doesn’t suffer. This gives parents the freedom to pick their kids up from school in the afternoon and night owls the ability to sleep in and come into the office refreshed.
Ability to Work Remotely
Some jobs must be completed in the office, but many employees can work from anywhere. Allow those with this type of job to work from home when needed or even regularly, a few times per week. As long as the person continues to produce the same output and quality of work, you know they’re not slacking off when left to their own accord. This can also reduce absences, as people can work while staying home to care for a sick child or even when traveling.
Compressed Workweek
Everyone loves short workweeks, so allow your employees to enjoy them all the time by working a compressed schedule. Under this arrangement, people work an hour or two longer every day and get an extra day off every week or every two weeks. The extra day off can be taken any day of the week, but each person typically follows a set schedule, to ensure full coverage.
Job Sharing
It can be difficult to create a part-time position on your team of exclusively full-time staff, but job sharing solves that problem. If you have two employees with similar skill sets who want to work part-time, allow them to share the job. In this scenario, one person works the first part of the week and the other second. This gives them the ability to enjoy part-time work, without the frustrations of having no one doing the job a few days per week.
Flexible working options allow employees to enjoy a balanced life, which to many is much more valuable than a raise. When you let your team work on their own terms, they’ll reward you with top-quality output and low turnover rates. To learn more about how we can help you find top behavioral health talent, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at [email protected].