Are Your Employees Happy?

If your employees seem discontent, irritable and genuinely unhappy at work more often than not, this as a sign for major concern. It’s easy to assume the mood will pass, and it might, but it could also get worse.

Just 32 percent of U.S. employees are engaged at work, according to Gallup, as of Aug. 6, 2017. This is concerning for many reasons, especially because actively disengaged employees cost the U.S. $450 billion to $550 billion in lost productivity each year, as per a 2013 report from the company.

Not only is a happy workforce much more pleasant to be part of, it’s also more productive. Find out why a typically cheery staff is able to accomplish more each day.

They Enjoy the Work

Employees who are pleased to be at work generally like their jobs. Completing the tasks on their daily to-do list is fun for them because they’re passionate about the work. Instead of finding ways to waste time and making excuses not to work, they’re focused on producing the very best output — no matter what project is at their fingertips. These people understand that success doesn’t come easy, and they don’t mind a bit.

They Care Truly Care

Happy employees are invested in the success of the company. They believe in your mission and values and want to do their part to help the organization reach its goals. More than just a job to them, the work is close to their heart. You can be certain they won’t cut corners on tasks or treat clients poorly, because they understand their actions are a direct reflection on the company. This is something they take very seriously and will always do their best to never let you down.

They Value Their Jobs

When people enjoy their jobs, they know they have a good thing going. Happy employees want to remain gainfully employed by your company, because this is where they truly want to be. They know their continued employment is at your discretion, so they constantly work hard to keep you satisfied. These professionals can’t imagine life without your company, nor will they have to, because they’re your best workers.

They’re Happy to Pitch In

Engaged employees don’t limit their productivity to the responsibilities listed in their job description. When you need them to complete a task that falls outside their realm, they do it with a smile on their face. Always willing to take one for the team, they also won’t hesitate to assist a colleague who needs a helping hand, to ensure all work is completed on time. Unlike disgruntled employees, you won’t catch these satisfied staffers complaining about doing extra work or putting in a little overtime, because this is the job they want.

If you have perpetually unhappy employees on staff, consider switching things up by hiring workers who truly want to be there. To learn more about how we can help you find top behavioral health talent, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at [email protected].

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