What You Should Know About Working With a Recruiter

Finding a great new job on your own is tough. Whether you’re trying to get back into the workforce or balance your search with a full-time job, knowing exactly what to do and finding the time can be a struggle. Luckily, there’s a recruiter out there who can’t wait to work with you.

If this is your first time teaming up with a recruiter, you might be skeptical or a bit nervous, but there’s nothing to fear. In fact, having a staffing professional on your side can be a major competitive advantage. Beyond gaining access to jobs not advertised to the general public, recruiters can help define your career path, sharpen your interview skills and so much more. Learn the basics of working with a recruiter.

Recruiters Want You to Succeed

Their approach might differ from what you’re used to, but rest assured your recruiter is 100 percent on your side. If they tell you to do something, it’s in your best interest, so please listen. As staffing professionals, they know exactly what hiring managers are looking for and are excited to share their knowledge with you. Open your mind to their advice and prepare to be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

Communication is Key

To achieve a successful job search, you and your recruiter must be on the same page. Be honest about what you’re looking for in a new position, so they can find an opening that meets your criteria. Stay in close contact throughout the process, so they know where you stand on each opening. Touch base after every interview to share your thoughts, because even seemingly small details can help your recruiter better refine their search for your ideal job.

Professionalism is a Must

Recruiters choose who they work with, so you need to make a great impression. Many candidates assume interviews with recruiters are an informal affair, but showing up in shorts and a T-shirt without any copies of your resume won’t get you very far. When your recruiter sends you out on job interviews, you’re representing them, so they need to know you can be trusted to present your best self. Prove this by dressing professionally and arriving prepared for every meeting with your recruiter.

Every Recruiter Isn’t Right For You

Just as recruiters decide who they want to work with, you also have to determine if they’re a good match for you. Some staffing professionals will take on candidates from all industries, but others are a bit more selective. If possible, seek a recruiter who specializes in your field, because they understand what it’s like to be in your shoes. It’s much better to have a recruiter who understands your career path and has extensive contacts in your specific line of work.

Joining forces with a recruiter can be the best career move you’ll ever make. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you find your next behavioral health position, contact us today at (513) 651-9500 or by email at [email protected].

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